Ken Intriligator, Mayer Hall 5234
Office hours: Mondays 3:00-4:00, and by appointment. Teaching Assistant: Evgueni Alexeev
Office hours: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 in the Tutorial Center (MH2218), or by appointment.
Text: Classical Mechanics , by John Taylor. Topics: Hamilton equations, [2-body central force motion, since not covered last quarter], non-inertial reference systems, dynamics of rigid bodies, special relativity, Liouville theorem, continuum mechanics, chaos (if time).
Course Times
: Lecture: MWF 12:00-12:50 pm, Peter 102. Discussion Session Mondays 4:00-5:00pm in MH 5301. Midterm 1: Jan 31 (Average was 66%, std. dev was 21%); Midterm 2: Feb 21 (Average was 56% std. dev. was 20%). Final: Wednesday March 18, 11:30-2:29pm.
Grading: Weekly HW will be assigned, to be turned in during lecture (no late HWs will be accepted).
Homework: 20%; midterm1: 15%; midterm 2: 15%; final exam: 50%.
Feel free to work in groups on the HW, but you still need to turn in your own work: do not just copy other's. Also, copying from online solutions etc is strictly not allowed. Violations will be referred to the academic integrity office.