Ken Intriligator, Mayer Hall 5234. Office hours Weds 3:00-4:00. Email: keni (at)
Sridip Pal, Mayer Hall 4430. Office hours Tuesday 3:00-4:30. Email: srpal (at)
Texts: Lectures in Quantum Mechanics by Baym is the recommended primary text; HW exercises will be assigned from Baym. Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics (or 2nd edition by Sakurai and Napolitano) is also useful. Lecture Times:MW 11:00-12:20pm, MHA 2623.
Discussion Session Thursdays 5-6pm, MHA 5623 Other recommended resources: Professor McGreevy's lecture notes , Weinberg's Lectures on Quantum Mechanics. Homework: It is essential to do your exercises. Many of the assigned problems have solutions that can be found online -- try to resist that, it's cheating both yourself, and it is technically, officially cheating. Working together in groups is fine, and encouraged, as long as everyone is working.
Midterm:Monday Feb 12, in class.
Final: Friday March 23, 11:30-2:30.
Grading: Homework: 25%, Midterm: 25%, final 50%.
Topics: Path Integral. Symmetry in QM. Approximation methods (main topic), including time independent and time-dependent perturbation theory. Interaction with electromagnetism, Einstein's A,B coefficients. Scattering theory. Identical particles.
lecture# | topic (and link to notes) | Homework |
1/8 | The path integral | |
1/10 | WKB approximation and the path integral | HW 1 (due 1/22) |
1/17 | Gauge invariance in QM. Symmetries in QM. | HW 2, due 1/29 | 1/22 | Symmetries in QM. | 1/24 | Symmetries in QM, cont. | 1/29 | Parity | 1/31 | Parity & time reversal | HW 3 Due 2/9 | 2/5 | T continued. | 2/9 | Exchange symmetry. | 2/12 | Midterm | 2/14 | Perturbation theory | HW 4 (due 2/26) | 2/21 | Perturbation theory, cont. | 2/26 | Perturbation theory, cont. | 2/28 | Perturbation theory, cont. | 3/5 | Variational method, applications | HW5 Due 3/16 | 3/7 | Pert. Thy. cont. Two-state system with time-dependent H | 3/12 | Time-dependent pert. thy. | 3/14 | Time-dependent pert. thy. cont. |