Ken Intriligator, Mayer Hall 5234. Office hours: after class, or stop by.
TA: Zhengdi Sun, Mayer Hall 4430. Office hours: Thursdays, 2:00-3:20, or stop by.
Question and answer session Tuesday Dec 10, MYR-A 2623, 11:00am-noon.
Text: The lectures will largely follow these free, online notes:
Recommended book for advanced QFT topics Coleman's Aspects of Symmetry. I will probably discuss some of the topics there in part III in the Spring.
Course Times:
MW 2:00-3:20pm, MYR-A 2623.
Final Exam:
Wednesday, December 11, 3:00-6:00pm, MHR-A 2623.
Homework: It is essential to do your exercises. Many of the assigned problems have solutions that can be found online -- try to resist that, it's cheating both yourself, and it is technically, officially cheating. Working together in groups is fine, and encouraged, as long as everyone is working.
Homework: Homework: 50%, final 50%.
lecture# | topic (and link to notes) | Homework |
9/30 | Introduction to field theory | HW 1 (Due Oct 7) |
10/2 | Field theory and quantization | |
10/7 | Feynman propagator, etc | HW 2 (due 10/14) |
10/9 | Propagator, Wick contractions etc | |
10/14 | Interaction picture,Dyson's formula | |
10/21 | Dyson's formula for toy model | HW 3 (due 10/28) |
10/23 | Toy model amplitudes, Feynman rules | |
10/25 | Amplitudes, Feynman rules, cont. | |
10/28 | Physics from amplitudes | HW 4 (due 11/6) |
10/30 | Physics from amplitudes, cont. | |
11/4 | LSZ reduction | |
11/6 | LSZ reduction. Start path integral | HW 5 (due 11/13) |
11/13 | Path integral quantization | HW 6 (due 11/20) |
11/18 | Z[J], W[J], etc. | |
11/20 | Fermions | HW 7 (Due Dec 2) |
11/25 | QFT for a Dirac field | |
11/27 | Fermion Feynman rules, | |
12/3 | Fermion Feynman rules cont, start spin 1 | |
12/5 | Gauge theory and QED tree level processes | HW 8 (not turned in) |