Ken Intriligator, Mayer Hall 5234
Text: The recommended text is Quantum Field Theory , by Mark Srednicki, but I will also follow, and highly recommend, the beautiful online notes of Mike Luke (based on Coleman's lectures) and David Tong. Course Times
:MW 3:30-4:50pm, MH 5301
Homework: Some practice problems will be suggested, but not graded. Other HW problems will be turned in and graded; these will entirely determine course grade. |
lecture# | topic (and link to notes) | Homework |
9/28 | Introduction to field theory | |
9/30 | Canonical quantization | |
10/5 | Nother's theorem, green's functions | |
10/7 | Propagators, Dyson and Wick | HW 1 (due Oct. 14) |
10/12 | Dyson's formula and Wick cont. | |
10/14 | Computing amplitudes | |
10/19 | Feynman diagrams | |
10/21 | phase space etc. | HW 2, due Nov. 2 |
10/26 | phase space, Green functions | |
10/28 | Green functions | |
11/2 | Z[J], LSZ | |
11/4 | LSZ cont. | |
11/9 | Lorentz group, fermions | |
11/11 | Fermions, Dirac equation plane waves | HW 3 (due 11/18) |
11/16 | Dirac equation, quantization | |
11/18 | Fermion Feynman rules, calculations | |
11/23 | Fermion Feynman rules, calculations cont. | |
11/30 | Spin 1 | |
12/2 | Gauge fields, computing amplitudes |